Introduction to Web n HTML

Introduction to Web n HTML

Brief about :-

-Apache : Apache is a web server software that is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from visitors and sending them back the requested information in the form of web pages. It allows visitors to view content on your website. Apache is responsible for ensuring that the server your website is stored on can communicate with the device a visitor is using. It’s what connects the visitor hardware to your own. Without web server software, your website will not work and it directly impacts the performance of your website.

  • Live server : It enables you to right-click an HTML document, and it runs a server for you and opens a browser window with the file in it. Any changes you make to the file causes the browser to reload and you can immediately see them - hence "live server".

  • HTML Rendering : Rendering is a process used in web development that turns website code into the interactive pages users see when they visit a website. While loading a web page, a web server sends a folder of files containing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to a user’s web browser. The browser engine converts this data (bytes) into characters (the HTML code).

  • Emmet : Emmet is a free add-on for your text editor that allows you to type shortcuts that are then expanded into full pieces of code. Emmet is available for a variety of text editors. Once installed, Emmet allows you to type using abbreviated code that follows the same conventions used in HTML and CSS.

  • HTML Tags: HTML tags are simple instructions that tell a web browser how to format text. HTML tags contain instructions on how to display an on-page element. They begin with a < and end with a > and precede and follow the content of the element.

HTML tags:

  1. h1: The H1 tag is an HTML element for the first-level and important heading within the body text of a web page. It’s visible to website users and provide information about the page’s content, but also to give it structure and improve the layout. It shows the most important information of the page. To use it:- h1

  2. h2: The HTML h2 tag defines the second level heading in the HTML document. This tag is also commonly referred to as the h2 element. The h2 heading will generally appear slightly smaller in font than the h1 heading.

  3. p: The p tag defines a paragraph of text. It is a block-level element and always starts on a new line. Before and after each paragraph, browsers add margin automatically.

  4. img : The HTML img tag is used to put an image in an HTML document. 2 attributes are compulsory to use:-

-src - Specifies the path to the image.

-alt - Specifies an alternate text for the image, if the image for some reason cannot be displayed. Other attributes which can be used : height, width, srcset, href, sizes.

  1. Anchor/href : The a tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. The most important attribute of the a element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination.